Our Business Definition

Our Business Definition

We have extended our business through Asia-Pacific Region by partnership with associated companies in Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia and Philippine.

Over the succeeding years, we recognise the importance of ensuring to pay serious attention to the efficiency and effectiveness of the performance of water and wastewater treatment facilities. Historically we have observed that the operations and maintenance of plants are inadequate - particularly the water treatment and wastewater treatment plants. This could be result of an out of sight, out of mind attitude towards the plants as the direct impact of the quality of effluents on the plant is rarely apparent.

We have noticed that as Local Authority become more aware of their environmental responsibility, as well as the cost benefit of appropriate operations and maintenance plans.




Effective operations and maintenance plans translate to immense savings in the future as outlined below:-


Energy saving occurs through optimised operation as energy cost is annually escalating
Asset management reduces or even eliminates plant shutdowns - this extends the life of the clients' mechanical equipment which removes the need for costly refurbishment
Expensive mechanical equipment is replaced